Sunday, March 29, 2020

Taking the Basic Molecule Chemistry Course

Taking the Basic Molecule Chemistry CourseIt can be very challenging for someone to go through the boring and sometimes challenging chapters of Molecular Chemistry, which is an introductory chemistry course. It can be quite difficult to get one's head around the concepts, and even harder to actually apply what they have learned to their everyday lives. This is why so many people start learning about molecules from the beginner level to the more advanced.There are many resources online that offer a simple introduction to the basic ideas behind Molecular Chemistry. These range from simple one page web sites to much more detailed multimedia lessons, which provide a great deal of information in just a few short pages. There are even some websites that provide a combination of both types of interactive material, meaning that a person can learn all about molecular structures at the same time as their understanding of the subject.If you would like to make it easier to learn, there are many online software packages available for free on the internet. Some of these software packages come complete with a teacher to guide you through the basics of learning the different components of a molecule. A simple tutorial will take the learner through the basics, and all that is required of them is to know the difference between an amine and a carboxylic acid before proceeding to the next level.Learning molecular biology is probably one of the hardest things to do, especially for those in the field of medicine or research scientists. By following a simple tutorial, the learner will be able to understand the important difference between amino acids and other basic molecules. The best way to tackle this aspect of the subject is to get someone else to do the work for you.For the price of a couple of pizza's or two coffees, it is possible to purchase a relatively simple online course in Molecular Biology. There are many ways that someone can learn this knowledge, including taking a cl ass or taking a lab project. There are also several easy and simple online books that provide an easy way to do this.The main reason why these online reading is so easy to use is because they have a very small text size, which allows the learner to scan through the entire book and not have to worry about making sure that every single word is legible. They can study at their own pace, which is something that many people just do not have the time for. Using a textbook is quite taxing on the mind, and will require someone to stop and go over everything they have read.A person could choose to use an online study program, but this is not the best idea for most people. By using this type of software, a person is forced to read, and this can be time consuming. It would be far better to use a text book, which is a lot less complicated than this software.Understanding the things that a person study in school takes more than just a textbook. It takes a great deal of knowledge, knowledge that comes from books and seminars, as well as self-study. That is what a person should focus on when learning about Molecular Chemistry, not a very detailed tutorial on molecules.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Keep Your Ears Open! The Ultimate Guide to Language Listening

Keep Your Ears Open! The Ultimate Guide to Language Listening Keep Your Ears Open! The Ultimate Guide to Language Listening Shhh.Quiet your mind and listen to your surroundings for a second.What do you hear?Are you on a crowded airplane or in a public place? Have you got any music playing? Is someone talking nearby?Your ears are incredibly sensitive organs that end up telling you a lot more about your environment than you might expect.And when it comes to language, the ears and the brain work together with shocking efficiency to make sense of even the most jumbled words in the worst acoustic environments.Of course, that doesnt always seem to be the case. Most of the time it takes me a few listens before I can get all the words of a song, even in English.And lets not forget the massive vocabulary that exists in every language purely to express miscommunication. Huh? Wie bitte?  Apa?But although these are good words or phrases to know, and although everyone needs them sometimes, wouldnt it be great to only have to pull them out in a foreign language as often as you would need to in your native language?A lo t of people say that listening is the hardest thing in learning a foreign language.But Ive never felt that way.For me, building listening skills  has just taken the right amount of time and practice.In this post, were going to look at why working on your listening skills is crucial, and how you can use certain strategies to get your own listening where you want it. Why Its So Important to Spend Time Building Your Listening SkillsConversational competence is essentialEver gotten lost in a conversation?Its happened to me too many times to count.Its tough to keep up with a conversation that you cant participate much in, but its much worse if you cant even understand whats being said.If youre able to understand the other person but your own vocabulary is failing you, the entire conversation and all those missed opportunities become a huge, flashing neon sign telling you where your speaking problems are.Couldnt say when I went to the store last Tuesday? Work on time expressions.Couldnt come up with the word for ukulele? Check the dictionary.By contrast, its infinitely harder to know what to improve when you cant even understand the other persons speech at all.A lack of listening skills will keep you from understanding how you need to improve.And thats just in the realm of conversation. Imagine youre using your language as a tourist. Most tourists just use a simple stock of phrases.When you ask, Whats in this soup? you just need to remember how to say one sentence. But you have to be prepared to understand the answer, whether its chicken, rice or pig brain.You need to develop the ability to recognize vocabularyWithout a base of vocabulary, you have almost no chance of understanding the content of the message that the other person is trying to get across. Its true, you can pick up a lot from context, and in fact, plenty of people learn best from conversations.But if youre in over your head in a conversation, its stressful to try and juggle all the new words youre h earing in order to be able to respond.And conversely, if you have the vocabulary but you cant parse out the individual words you hear, youll be just as lost.Listening practice  and the skills that are gained from it bring your knowledge together with usage to make understanding language a completely automatic experience.Advanced language learners barely even recognize that theyre hearing another languageâ€"it just sounds like someones talking to them.Building listening skills takes time!It takes a massive amount of time for your brain to acquire strong listening ability.Listening is about decoding the sound patterns of spoken language so that you can match it up with the vocabulary and syntax youre already familiar with.In a regular college-level course, youre only being exposed to the language for a handful of hours every week.The reality is, youre never going to be able to teach your brain to decode fast native speech unless you give it a lot of practiceâ€"and that means a mix of intensive and extensive listening exercises. Below, well explain what this means and make it clear exactly how you can build up this crucial skill.Keep Your Ears Open! The Ultimate Guide to Language ListeningIntensive Listening PracticeWhat is intensive listening, and why do it?Intensive listening means spending the time to really break down some challenging native content.Its a lot of effortâ€"thats why its called intensive, after all.But the rewards are huge because youre spending all your energy on actually experiencing and understanding the language as its spoken.Heres how to do it.1. Choose a short clip and listen to it a couple of times.Take a short section of a podcast or video with somewhat challenging speechâ€"no longer than 20 seconds.It should be the kind of thing thats hard to understand the first time, but becomes clearer as you listen to it more.In other words, it should be fairly easy to understand as long as you have a transcript.But learning to understand without  a transcript is what this exercise is all about.The first few times you sit down to do intensive listening, choose something about a topic youre already familiar with.That way, youll likely already know most of the vocabulary used and just need to get your ear tuned to the way the language sounds.For instance, most language enthusiasts are very used to hearing or reading about how people learn languages.For that reason, listening to someone talk about words, language or linguistics in your target language might be a lot easier for you than listening to someone talk about ancient history or modern dance.Or you might like something relatively predictable, like product unboxing videos, recipes or makeup tutorials. If youve seen these in English, youll know they tend to follow the same simple structure.FluentU is ideal for finding content for intensive listening, as it takes real-world videos in a variety of formatsâ€"like commercials, mini-movies, music videos and moreâ€"and on a variet y of topics, and turns them into personalized language lessons. Every video comes with interactive captions (that you can turn off for the purpose of this exercise).In general, at first, youll want to stay away from content that might include a lot of names and dates.Theres a time and place for learning to quickly understand names, dates and times, but its pretty frustrating to be stuck on a word for hours only to eventually realize that its the name of some obscure comedian or politicianâ€"Ive been there.Once youve chosen a clip, youll first want to listen to it twice in a row simply to see what you can pick up.2. Create a transcript of what you hear.Your goal now is to create a word-for-word transcript of everything you hear.So youll need to listen several more times.The best way to do this is actually to start from the very end and work your way back. Listen to the last two seconds, the last three seconds, the last four seconds and  so on.Write down what you can every time.This r epetition will burn the sound patterns into your brain and youll realize you can actually understand a lot more than you thoughtâ€"before you even look anything up.Its like listening to rap music. You dont always pay attention to all the lyrics until you intentionally start trying to understand them.And, by the way, when youre finished for the day, those repeated sections might still be ringing in your ears.3. Check your guesses.At this point, you should have managed to write down most of the transcript.Youll also probably have figured out some words that you dont even know, just from hearing them over and over. This is tricky, and you should be proud of yourself if you managed it!Go ahead and look up whatever word meanings youre not sure about to see if your guesses were correct.After this, if there are still words you cant figure out, let them be for a while and do some reading or vocabulary practice.If you cant recognize the word on seeing it or hearing it, you wont be able to fi gure it out when you hear it at fast native speed.Intensive listening practice is most effective when you know most of the words used but just need to get used to the way natives pronounce them in natural speech.It sounds simple, but this really is something lots of people have trouble with, especially in languages with a big perceived difference between the written and spoken word.This intensive practice really does pay dividends. Its astounding what a difference it can make in your overall ability.But the reason people dont do it all the time is that it burns you out. Youre running your brain at full power for that exercise, and you need time to recharge.Enter extensive listening.Extensive ListeningIts important to balance your intensive practice with extensive practice to give your brain a chance to get comfortable with what you’re learning.And dont worryâ€"extensive practice is a lot less intense.For a change of pace, youre going to listen without looking anything up, just fol lowing what you can and guessing the context.Dont tune out, and dont try to multitask while youre listening. You want to keep paying attention to the content, but not necessarily forcing yourself to understand every word.This is much less mentally taxing and a crucial part of building your listening skills.Extensive listening is also very important for learning cultural nuances and references in your target language.Because any language has so many obscure words and phrases, you simply need an enormous amount of listening exposure in order to get familiar with them.Generally, a two-hour movie will have about 9,000 words of dialogueâ€"roughly the same as a novella or short story.That means youll need to watch four or five movies, or 10 sitcom episodes before you expose yourself to the amount of language you’d get from reading a novel.1. Choose some short episodes of material to listen to.Again, you should be understanding the majority of what you hear, with only a handful of unknow n words every few minutes.If you still feel that your vocabulary isnt large enough, spend just a few minutes of each listening session writing down new words, or do separate vocabulary work at another time.As you consume more and more target language media, youll naturally pick up new words through repetition.Watching a long-running sitcom or cartoon will usually expose you to the same type of language over and over. Boring for ordinary viewers, perfect for the language learner!Of course, if youre not interested in TV, you can substitute podcasts or radio shows.However, be aware that audio-only resources require even more attention because you dont get any of the body language, lip movements or environmental cues that video provides.Just be prepared to compensate for that difficulty by choosing slightly easier material or listening more times to pick up what you need.To start, you could try watching some short comedy sketches, sitcoms or cartoons with familiar plots.An animated show like Doraemon, Peppa Pig or SpongeBob is perfect because the cast of characters is relatively small and the situations are often very familiar.If you miss what happens in one scene, chances are that same scene is going to play out again with only a slight variation later on.You can also look for dubbed versions of movies or shows that you know well from your native language.Even smaller countries usually produce dubbed versions of kids movies to show on TV.And languages like French, German and Japanese are treasure troves of dubbed media from all over the world.At the early stages of extensive listening, you should try to avoid lengthy, involved material like speeches or news broadcasts.Also, I recommend you try not to jump between genres or topicsâ€"get used to a handful of speakers and situations first.2. Listen during a few spaced-out sessions.Once youve familiarized yourself with a TV episode or video, listen to just the audio.Dont pause or take down notes for now. Listen to it a few times spaced out throughout a day or week.Remember or imagine what the characters are doing and how theyre feeling, even if you cant understand every word.This gets your mind more attuned to the emotional context and delivery of the words and phrases you hear.When you see the episode again with the video attached, youll be able to understand much more clearly whats going onâ€"and it wont even feel like you did any studying at all!3. Rack up those listening hours.It takes a lot of time to perfect your listening skills, but did you know that the average American watches over five hours of television every day?If you can turn that television watching time into target-language watching time, youll rack up listening hours incredibly quickly.Plus, theres another secret weapon you can usually count on: dead time.4. Integrate extensive listening into dead time.Five hours of television every day is a nice statistic, but it doesnt help if you personally have a busy, unpredictable life. I know I cant fit that in.If thats the case for you, see what you can do about fitting listening practice into dead time.That means when youre on the go, waiting for a bus, waiting in line, waiting for files to upload, waiting for your dinner to cook… daily life has a lot of waiting!All that time can add up to an hour or more of potential listening time during your day if you just remember to bring your headphones.And what about times when youre doing something else?Its true that true passive listeningâ€"just having your language on in the backgroundâ€"doesnt go very far in improving your listening ability.What it does give you is immediacy.If you can, try simply leaving radio, music, videos or podcasts on in the background as you do other tasks. Its only natural that youll tune out to focus on whatever else youre doing.But when you tune back in, the language is already going and you have the opportunity to immediately catch a few words or phrases.And when that opportunity is han ded to you, its perfectly natural to listen. Compare that with making the mental effort to pull out your phone, put in your earbuds, find the right podcast… what a pain!Basically, by having your target language surrounding you whenever possible, you make it easier to practice listening than to do anything else.After just a few days of really focusing on listening, chances are youll start to see a big leap in your comprehension.As I said above, though, it takes a lot of time for those leaps to add up to the point where you can easily understand pretty much everything you hear.For all my talk about finding short videos with predictable plots and the other advice above, the most important thing is to be interested in what youre watching or listening to.Once youre able to dive into the material you see without having to think about how much you understandâ€"thats when youre on the path to listening success.

How to Supercharge Your Reading with a Kindle Foreign Language Dictionary

How to Supercharge Your Reading with a Kindle Foreign Language Dictionary How to Supercharge Your Reading with a Kindle Foreign Language Dictionary Sick of running into roadblocks while you read?Its exciting to start a book in your target language, but every new word or strange expression can halt you in your tracks.If you have to flip through a dictionary or browse through online translators every time it happens, reading in your target language will quickly become a chore that you avoid.Were here to make things easier.By reading on a Kindle with an integrated foreign language dictionary, you can just tap your way through confusing passages. Youll learn new words in context while you read, making it  both more fun and more effective.Ready for some smoother roads? Why Bother with a Dictionary?But wait, you may be asking, why get a new dictionary when I could just use Google Translate?While Google Translate and other services like it are getting better, they still have a tendency to translate word-by-word instead of grasping the big picture. And even if youre only asking it to translate an individual word, it might not give you every meaning that word carries.These types of tools are great for a situation that calls for a speedy translation, like when you’re in a grocery store and need to buy milk or eggs in another country, but cannot be depended on for consistent accuracy when youre reading on your Kindle.By contrast, a good dictionary provides much more useful information as youre reading. Along with the definition, it tells you what part of speech a word is (noun, verb, adverb, adjective, etc.) and maybe has a picture to go along with it. It can also tell you how a word is used and provide example sentences.That way, youll quickly understand what the word means in the context of your e-book, plus how to use it yourself in your own target language communication.Best of all, Kindle foreign language dictionaries are just as portable and convenient as the Kindle itself. Many of us have e-readers and tablets these days, and their appeal to a language learner lies in the fact that theyre lightweight and e asily transportable. Provided you remember to charge it up, a Kindle is much easier to carry around than a traditional paperback book and dictionary.And as well show you below, you dont even have to flip between your dictionary and e-bookâ€"the Kindle makes it possible to integrate dictionary definitions with what youre reading. You can even load multiple dictionaries onto your Kindle, either different editions so you can decide which one you like best or different languages.What Foreign Language Dictionaries Are Available on Kindle?We language learners are fortunate, because there is a multitude of Kindle foreign language dictionaries available for download. Heres just a sampling for some common languages:Spanish:  HarperCollins Spanish-English Kindle dictionaryChinese:  Tuttle Learners Chinese-English dictionaryGerman:  HarperColling German-English dictionaryFrench:  Merriam-Websters French-English dictionaryItalian:  Merriam-Websters Italian-English dictionaryIf youre a beginner learner and are reading books in a foreign language for the first time, a translation dictionary like the ones listed above is the best tool to have on hand. Itll help you learn new words without getting lost or overwhelmed.How to Supercharge Your Reading with a Kindle Foreign Language DictionaryThere are a few steps involved but its quite a simple process.1. Download the DictionaryFirst, youre going to need to be connected to Wi-Fi and enter the Kindle bookshop. Search for a dictionary in the foreign language youre learning. You can search in English (this will likely bring up bilingual dictionaries, for the most part) or you can search in your target languageâ€"for example,  dictionnaire français (French dictionary) to find authentic French Kindle dictionaries.You can also browse through the Amazon Best Sellers Kindle Default Dictionaries page. (More on default dictionaries below.)If youre feeling brave, you can even simply change your Kindle device language, and a keyboard and d efault dictionary for that language will automatically be downloaded. Plus, youll get some great practice navigating your Kindle in your target language!Once you’ve found your dictionary, you’ll need to purchase it and itll take a minute or two to download onto your Kindle.  Another great thing about Kindle is that their e-books are usually cheaper than a paper or hardback version of the same book.Alternatively, you can browse and download a dictionary from your computer, and then sync your Kindle to your computer to access the dictionary that way, using the cable provided with your Kindle. Heres Amazons guide to transferring books from the computer to Kindle.2. Change the Default DictionaryIn order to use your dictionary while youre reading, youll need to update your Kindles default dictionary. The exact process depends somewhat on which Kindle device you have, but essentially youll need to:Go to your devices SettingsSelect the Language and Dictionaries optionSelect your new fo reign language dictionary from the list of downloaded dictionaries3. Get Your Bookworm On!Now that your default dictionary has been updated, youre ready to start using it while you read!Open up a foreign-language e-book on your Kindle.  Whenever you encounter a word you dont recognize, just tap it.A summary definition from your new foreign language dictionary will appear. You can then click full definition for more information.Easy!Here are some tips to get even more out of your Kindle and Kindle dictionary  while reading in your target language:Enlarge for readability:  You can alter the font size on the Kindle “pages,” enlarging it to make reading easier. This is easily done from the Kindle menu. Simply scroll down and select “change letter size.” A variety of sizes are available, so choose the best one for your eyesight.Supplement your reading with FluentU: This app works just like a Kindle dictionary, by providing instant definitions to your foreign language entertainmen tâ€"but for video! FluentU provides real-world videos in your target language, like movie trailers, music videos, inspiring talks and more, with a dictionary feature and other tools built right in.Just click any word in a videos interactive captions  and youll get an instant definition, translation and youll even hear a native pronunciation. FluentU will also show you other videos the word appears in, so you understand how to use it in any context. FluentU then provides flashcards and exercises to make sure you remember the new vocabulary after youre done watching.Check out a free trial on your next reading break to keep the fun learning going.Use bookmarks to boost your vocabulary:  Tap the bookmark icon on the upper right corner of the screen to save a page for later. This is great for keeping track of new words you want to review later.Make a vocabulary list: You can also use the Notes tool to keep track of new vocabulary, jot down language questions or leave study reminders for yourself. Press and hold a word or phrase, then hit More and Add Note.When learning a new skill, like a language, its crucial to get the right tools to make the job easier.You know a carpenter will have all the tools they need to create a beautiful wooden cabinet, so shouldnt you equip yourself with all the tools you need to learn a language?With Kindle, using a dictionary is quick and easy for the technology enthusiast and language learner alike. And One More ThingWant to take a closer look at FluentU?With FluentU, you learn real languagesâ€"the same way that real people speak them. FluentU has a wide variety of videos, like movie trailers, funny commercials and web series, as you can see here:FluentU App Browse ScreenFluentU has interactive captions that let you tap on any word to see an image, definition, audio and useful examples. Now native language content is within reach with interactive transcripts.Didnt catch something? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover over or tap on the subtitles to instantly view definitions.FluentU Interactive TranscriptsYou can learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentUs quiz mode. Swipe left or right to see  more examples for the word you’re learning.FluentU Has Quizzes for Every VideoAnd FluentU always keeps track of vocabulary that you’re learning. It uses that vocab to give you a 100% personalized experience by recommending videos and examples.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

What is a Chemistry Tutor?

What is a Chemistry Tutor?Organic chemistry tutor at your local college or university may help you with your class. But how can they help you? By following the tips here, you can benefit from these professionals.First, try to understand the things you learn from the Chemical Equilibrium Theory. It is a way of organizing the concepts on what you learn in any chemistry class. Chemistry is very much dependent on these theories because they help you understand the basic facts in a chemical formula. With the help of the equations, you are able to make the perfect calculations in various quantities. By knowing the properties of each element or compound, you will be able to determine its effects in chemical reactions.This chemical equilibrium theory helped many individuals to create the chemical equations of different substances. Not only this, but it has also helped scientists to conduct experiments to prove how strong a substance is. You can now understand the activity of the substance in a chemical reaction through these equations. Chemists have developed formulas for the different elements and compounds. The knowledge of how things work in different compounds can help you make the best possible choices in your life.The only limit to a chemist is how much knowledge he or she has. There are lots of resources where you can find knowledge. So you should always remember that the most important thing is to gain more knowledge by studying.The next tip is that a chemistry tutor will help you to solve the equation of the common substance like alcohol or methane. He will let you know the advantages and disadvantages of the substance when compared to others.It means that an aptitude is needed in teaching to people. If you do not have the knack of teaching, then you will fail in your chemistry tutor chemical equilibrium Lastly, do not be afraid of asking questions from a chemistry tutor. They are the one who will help you through their experience.

Tu Resident Hall Tutoring - Boost Your Grades and Increase Your Abilities

Tu Resident Hall Tutoring - Boost Your Grades and Increase Your AbilitiesTtu Resident Hall Tutoring is for students who need extra assistance in their high school classes. This program is designed for students who need extra help to make the most of their limited classes. This course allows students to work in groups on a regular basis, improving their grades and ability to perform well in their studies. Students can now learn the skills that will be needed when they reach college.Ttu Resident Hall Tutoring is offered at both the beginning and middle school levels. The students who attend this class are typically those who are not performing as well in their studies, or who have simply struggled in the past. Students who take this course will get extra help with their study techniques and strategies.Tutors will assist students in their endeavors to raise their grade level and improve their student's abilities. They will help students with their personal time management and how to use their own strengths and weaknesses in order to succeed academically.At any given time, students can expect to meet with a tutor several times throughout the day. Each session will last about thirty minutes and will consist of many different coursework. Students can expect to complete class assignments on time and study on time and will be provided extra work on a daily basis.The tutors at this company are members of the parent's association and they are experts in their field and in their student's school. As a result, students will receive extra attention from their tutors and will not have to go into the office as often.With the tuition rates, these services are worth every penny. Students will get an extra boost in their grades and they will also benefit in their ability to keep up their grades throughout their time in school.If you're considering this type of program, please check with your school's administration and see if this is something that your school offers. You may qu alify for special accommodations, which could greatly enhance your student's learning experience.

All in Order Tricks for Identifying Key Signatures

All in Order Tricks for Identifying Key Signatures Suzy S. What are the keys to identifying different key signatures? Read on for some great tips from Tucson, AZ teacher Lourdes C In reading music, there are a few things that give musicians the biggest headaches. One major migraine-maker is determining keys from the key signature and then remembering the order of sharps and flats. This chart gives musicians a quick way to help with identifying key signatures. Key Signatures at a Glance Major sharps: the name of the key can be found at 1 semitone above the last sharp. Minor sharps: the name of the key can be found at 2 semitones below the last sharp. C has no accidentals A has no accidentals G: F# + 1 semitone = G E: F# 2 semitones = E D: F#, C# B: F#, C# A: F#, C#, G# F#: F#, C#, G# E: F#, C#, G#, D# C#: F#, C#, G#, D# B: F#, C#, G#, D#, A# G#:  F#, C#, G#, D#, A# F#: F#, C#, G#, D#, A#, E# D#: F#, C#, G#, D# A#, E# C#: F#, C#, G#, D#, A#, E#, B# A#: F#, C#, G#, D#, A#, E#, B# Major flats: the name of the key can be found at 7 semitones above the last flat. Minor flats: the name of the key can be found at 4 semitones above the last flat. F: Bb + 7 semitones = F D: Bb + 4 semitones = D Bb: Bb, Eb G: Bb, Eb Eb: Bb, Eb, Ab C: Bb, Eb, Ab Ab: Bb, Eb, Ab, Db F: Bb, Eb, Ab, Db Db: Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb Bb: Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb Gb: Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb Eb: Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb Cb: Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb, Fb Ab: Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb, Fb Written Order of Accidentals and Example Key Signatures Lets work on identifying key signatures by looking at the image above. The last flat in this case is F (Fb is E, in enharmonic spelling). From Fb, count up 7 semitones (half-steps) and keep the enharmonic spellings for E and B (Fb and Cb, respectively): Fb -F-Gb-G-Ab-A-Bb-Cb (B) key of Cb major. Count four semitones up and you get Ab minor, the relative minor of Cb. Even if you dont know the mode, either major or minor, by using this key signature method, you will always be able to find the major and relative minor for any signature you encounter. This next key signature has one accidental. Avoid assuming that this is Bb major or minor. This is actually Fb major. Fb minor is actually E minor, which is a sharp key. This method will help you work through the Circle of Fifths and understand the relationship between tonal arrangements in keys. Other Problems to Avoid Accidentals (sharps and flats symbols) are written in descending order from top right to bottom left on the staff. So, knowing the last flat or sharp requires that you remember the order of sharps and flats, because on the staff, the last accidental may appear higher than the first, which can trick you into thinking its the first accidental. This is Bb major, as an example: Mnemonic for the Order of Sharp and Flats The order of flats is BEADGCF (bead gcf). A good mnemonic is bead the G clef from middle C to the F clef. If you can remember that, just know that for sharps, it will be backwards: FCGDAEB. If you remember only that mnemonic and the counts in the chart above, youll always be in the right order and you can identify keys by their signatures alone with just a little practice. To practice, find any good graphic image for the Circle of Fifths and try this for yourself! Happy music-making! Lourdes C. teaches various music subjects and tutors in Tucson, AZ. Her doctorate is in Applied Linguistics and American Indian Studies. She has been an instructor and tutor for over 20 years for academics, research methods, languages and literature, and music as well.  Book in-person or online lessons with Lourdes here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo  by  angelocesare

How to Become a Yoga Instructor Make Your Yoga Class A Success

How to Become a Yoga Instructor Make Your Yoga Class A Success Everything You Need to Know to Find Yogi Tutoring Jobs Teach Dynamic Yoga Classes Chapters1. Learn To Understand Yourself as a Yogi and Take an Interest In Your Yoga Students2. Teach Your Favourite Yoga Style3. The Right Equipment for Your Yoga Class4. Choose the Right Location for Your Yoga Sessions5. Wear Clothing Adapted to Yoga Poses6. How To Set Up Your Yoga Lessons7. Practice Yoga Daily and Continue Your Teacher TrainingAs a beginner yoga teacher, you are eager to give your utmost for those who come to you for help.Whether you want to freelance or teach at a yoga centre, you may find yourself apprehensive when first confronted with a group of students, wondering if you have what it takes to teach yoga - especially if this is your first yoga class as an instructor!Relax, you’ll see, it isn’t as difficult as it looks…Preparing your session beforehand and keeping a positive attitude will help entice your newfound yogis and yoginis to keep coming back.Here are some tips on how to master your first yoga class with tune with yourself, face your own inner demons and improve your mental tranquility before starting your yoga lesson.For example, if you decided to learn yoga because of an overly stressful job, you will already have all the tools at your disposal to unlock the potential of those interested in yoga for the same reasons.2. Teach Your Favourite Yoga StyleA teacher who is passionate about what he is teaching will find it easier to transfer his knowledge to his students. This is true for any subject.Remember school?You probably came across both extremes:a teacher who is tired of teaching and who drones on in class on autopilot, without putting any energy into it. Awfully boring…an energetic teacher full of goodwill, who goes the extra distance for his students.When you first started to practice yoga, you may have noticed that your yoga teachers all had different teaching styles. Which ones resonated the most with you?The ones where your yoga instructor radiated positive energy and motivated you to give your all, o f course. Now it’s your turn to pass these good vibes on to your yoga students!Learn how to find yoga students here.And because it’s always easiest to teach something you know intimately, think about which of the yoga styles is your favourite.In Europe, some of the most popular types of yoga are:Hatha YogaBikram YogaAshtanga YogaVinyasa YogaKundalini YogaThese are the ones you are most likely to come across in yoga studios and institutes.But even if you mostly teach in a school, there is no reason you couldn’t also teach private yoga classes in other yoga styles.Why not become a private yoga tutor in Nidra Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Raja Yoga, Prenatal Yoga, Children’s Yoga, Hot Yoga or Power Yoga?You can easily combine the two: even as an employee at a yoga academy, you can still freelance on the side and give private lessons or even online tutoring jobs.3. The Right Equipment for Your Yoga ClassWhether you are outfitting yourself or want to provide provide props for students in a group yoga class, make sure you have the necessary equipment for home yoga and your yoga classes.Most forms of yoga require only the minimum. But if you practice Iyengar Yoga, yoga props are obligatory (in fact, it is the main characteristic of this yoga style.)Here is a list of indispensable yoga equipment:A sports bag to transport your materialA yoga mat comfortable enough to allow you to hold your poses for the requisite length of timeA towelA cushion (zafu) for meditationA yoga blockA yoga strapSpecial yoga chairs (with a headrest)Yoga props such as yoga blocks are an intrinstic part of Iyengar Yoga, but are useful for beginner yoga students, too. Photo credit: Melissa Venable via Visual HuntAsk your students to buy the same make that you use to achieve similar results. A zafu is a comfortable cushion to sit on when meditating.If I'm teaching beginner group yoga classes near me, students will generally expect basic equipment to be provided. You might also want to have one or tw o extra for private students to try out before they buy it themselves. CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMath s Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors4. Choose the Right Location for Your Yoga SessionsThe ultimate goal of yoga practice is to achieve a unity of body and mind (the infamous “benefits of yoga”) while cultivating mindfulness of the world around you - making it vital to choose the right ambiance for yoga lessons especially important.You would never think of doing yoga during rush hour at a busy intersection. The pollution from the noise and the exhaust fumes would prevent you from achieving the proper state of mind.Yoga lessons in the middle of a busy street migh t seem hip and trending, but doesn't cultivate the mindfulness necessary for serious yoga practice. Photo credit: Seattle Department of Transportation via VisualHunt.comSo whether you are thinking of giving yoga classes at a yoga institute or as private classes, try and find the right location.If you have the chance, set up your yoga courses at a nearby beach.If you are using a rented studio, visit the rooms around the time you plan to teach your lessons. If you find yourself next door to a beginner recorder class, you might want to reconsider.Try to find a quiet place with good acoustics if you want to put on some music during meditation sessions. If you are giving private yoga lessons, you can either:Give the lessons at your homeGo to your student’s homeGo outsideIf you decide on the first option, try and create a space dedicated exclusively to practising yoga. Otherwise, you might have to find another location.For winter, a yoga studio closed for the season or one with room ren tal option and a calm park in the summer are good alternatives for spiritual tête-à-têtes.5. Wear Clothing Adapted to Yoga PosesWhen you go jogging, you are not going to put on jeans or flapping skirts. It’s the same for yoga. Even though it is hardly a fashion show, the proper attire is important when practising yoga.Wearing the wrong clothes (too loose or too tight) will hinder you in your balance, flexibility and, most importantly, your breathing. It will also make it more difficult to flow from one pose (asana) to another.Here are some examples of form-fitting but not constricting clothes that will help you soar to new heights.For women, we recommend:  A high-cut tank top you feel comfortable with. Avoid clothes that are too tight as they will compress your ribcage, or t-shirts with wide sleeves.For your legs, sports leggings are the best. They should be thick enough not to be transparent. That way, you will feel comfortable when flowing from one pose to another. Shorts are another alternative. Avoid clothing that compresses the stomach or rides down when you are upside-down.Some like to wear bathing suits when practicing yoga outside.In terms of underwear, a sports bra that supports well while still letting you breathe properly is essential. Prefer comfortable materials and skin tones so they are not visible through your clothes.If necessary, you can add accessories such as a sweat band or an elastic to hold your hair back, a pair of gloves or non-slip slippers, as well as flat shoes or sandals if you are using a sports hall.A tip: since you will often have to bend down to your students, avoid plunging necklines or t-shirts that are too loose.For men:For a top, a comfortable t-shirt, not too loose or too tight, is perfect. Those well in tune with their bodies can go topless.For your legs, cyclists’ shorts or judo trousers are good choices.The accessories are the same as for women.Don’t forget to take off your jewellery (bracelets, earrings, neckl aces, watches) before a yoga session.Ask your new students to wear form-fitting clothes that will help you evaluate their posture, so you can correct them more easily if necessary.Men who are comfortable with their body can practice yoga topless. Photo credit: ??a? ThFt (slowly back...) via Visual Hunt6. How To Set Up Your Yoga LessonsThough each type of yoga has its own routines, a yoga session is always set up in roughly the same way. Only the poses and their sequences are different.Yoga classes always start with a short period allowing you to put the mundane life behind you. Invite your students to relax long enough to achieve calmness of mind and body. Breathing exercises can help.Afterwards, you can set up a warm-up and stretching session to prepare the body for what is to come.Now comes the flow of yoga poses. The rhythm of the sequences and the time they are held will change depending on the type of yoga. Insist on proper breathing, making sure they inhale and exhale in synch with every movement.After this phase - more or less lively - you will want to leave your students some time for meditation. This will help them reach the state of mindfulness they are striving for and actively process the benefits of yoga.Don't forget to give your yoga students some time to break free of their daily lives at the start of yoga lessons. Photo credit: Kamila Gornia via Visualhunt.comAfter the end of each yoga session, don’t hesitate to ask your students what they felt so that you can improve your future lessons. Be certain to fix a price per session that is affordable but will still allow you to make ends meet.7. Practice Yoga Daily and Continue Your Teacher TrainingGood teachers never stop learning. Especially in yoga, which is constantly evolving.Therefore, as soon as you can, sign up for further yoga teacher training classes with one of the reputed yoga institutes (such as the British Wheel of Yoga or the Himalaya Yoga Institute, or why not got to India itself?) It might give you ideas on how to improve your own yoga classes.And don’t forget that a good yogi practices yoga every day to keep their body and mind flexible and offer the best of themselves to their students.Here is some good advice to give your own students: it is better to train for 15 minutes several times a week than two hours every so often.Now that your yoga class is ready to go, find out if yoga studios near you are in need of teachers. You can also use our site to become a yoga Superprof.But if I want to learn yoga  how do I pick the right yoga classes near me? If I'm searching for  yoga classes near me in the UK, I find them on Superprof. They have hundreds of tutors in all yoga disciplines all over the country.